京都の人気ホステル・NINI ROOMさんで初の寄席をさせていただきます!!

英語落語@HOSTEL NINIROOM!! (20:30~21:30)

落語ってどんなの?聞いたことがない…、落語は聞いたことあるけど英語落語は初めて…、という方でも大丈夫!! 今回のNINI寄席では、落語とは何ぞや?っていう説明から聞けて学べて、しかも日本語と英語の両方で楽しめます♪



Rakugo (Japanese Traditional Comical Storytelling) at HOSTEL NINIROOM!! 

*Program(20:30~21:30) 1. What is Rakugo?  2. Short story  3. Main story

Do not worry if you don’t know what Rakugo is. As well as the performances, there will be a workshop about Rakugo in Japanese and English.

Rakugo has more than 400 year’s history. The Rakugo Storyteller (Rakugoka) sits on stage, telling a story (usually comical), armed only with a folding fan, hand towel and the audience’s imagination!

A Rakugoka tells the story alone on stage playing all characters. Regardless of age and nationality, you can enjoy a Japanese traditional performing art in English and Japanese!!

≪Katsura Fukuryu

From Canada and he became a Rakugoka in 2016. The second foreign professional Rakugoka, and the 11th apprentice of Katsura Fukudanji (the top Rakugoka of the Kamigata Rakugo Association). He performs all over Japan and overseas to expand Rakugo to people.
